Saturday 25 February 2017

First run back - 10km

After three weeks of sunshine, I managed to pick the first rainy day to come back running. Actually, it was really pleasant anyway - it keeps the crowds away. Initially trod down towards Queenscliff and actually stopped and walked home. I felt absolutely terrible - running was so painful! I recognise that this may be the case after having a break for three weeks, but this was seriously wrong. So I walked home, and just as I was approaching it really poured. So I jogged the last 50m or so, and actually felt half decent. So I gave it another go and managed to get 10km out along the beachfront. The great news is that that anaemic sensation that I had been complaining about has pretty much gone - the only laboured breathing you can hear now is purely from my lack of fitness. Was even tempted to run another 5km, but I am actually starting to become wiser with my old age. Nothing special (quite slow in fact) with 5:00 min/km pace, but it's a start of a long journey back. Thanks so much everyone for the support over the last few weeks, I've been blown away by it. Didn't realise that people actually read my blog!


  1. Well done Lewis! Great to hear you're back on track. Three weeks is quite a short break really! Well deserved too.

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