Wednesday 29 June 2016

Wednesday - 60 minutes easy

Decided to sleep in this morning, after two quite massive days at work and uni. Got up at a leisurely 7:20am, and set out for an easy hour. Ran to the lagoon, then up to North Head. A lap of the Fairfax Loop, then back home. Really starting to get annoyed at my GPS, so did an experiment this morning. Found my old Garmin, and wore this on my right wrist along with my current one on my left. True to form, there was a difference. I completely trust the old one, as race distances were always spot on. The same courses were always exactly the same. With the current one, I can race the same course (i.e. Striders) many times and get a different distance each time. So, according to the old one, I ran 13.8km in 4:21's. Going to take the new one back today - when you pay that amount of money for a high-tech watch, you want it to work. Some mornings it has had me running across the ocean?

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