Monday 2 July 2018

Monday - 3 sets of 9 x 90 seconds (off 30”) (2 mins between sets) (deep water running) + 30 minutes easy run

The equal biggest deep water running session I’ve done. All up, 27 x 90 second efforts! That’s right, 27! Slightly intimidating, pacing was absolutely key (as so often is the case lately in these deep water running sessions given their progressive nature). Got through it, in the end just focusing solely on one rep at a time without even thinking of the following rep. Looking at the heart rate post-session, I’d have to say that that was the best session I’ve had in the water over the last 8 weeks! Outside air temperature was warm, but water was cold! Didn’t take long to warm-up though. Then the fun part - instead of swimming 15 lengths, I put the shoes on and ran very slow and easy for 30 minutes. I really had to put the brakes on massively as the heart rate was higher than usual given I’d just done a massive deep water running session. I got over the slowness of the pace after a few minutes and simply focused on enjoying the serenity and the fact that I can run pain free. The plus side of running instead of swimming post deep water run is that I’m not frozen by the time I get home. All up, a great way to start the week - but not enough time to digest all the sport from overnight! Two World Cup matches (a bit of a shock result in the former game), a Formula 1 race in Austria (couldn’t resist not looking up the result) and a MotoGP in The Netherlands (I don’t know the result yet, and am very much looking forward to watching it).

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