Saturday 22 April 2017

Saturday - 8 x 1km (off 60 seconds jog)

Another long session, I was very tempted to skip it and do Parkrun - but really need to do some more 10km race specific training. Did these in the bike lane along the beachfront. Wasn't sure what pace to expect to hold, as I have never done this session in this specific configuration (I've done 1km reps many times, but of various reps, rest duration, rest types, etc.). So as I have been doing quite well these days, I simply ran it on feel - only looking at the splits after the session. It's a weird one, as I constantly feel like I have to hold back the pace for at least the first half of the session (I know it's very tempting to go harder, but I have done that far too many times only to really regret it when the last rep or two slow down by 15-30 seconds per kilometer). Splits were 3:22, 3:23, 3:25, 3:22, 3:26, 3:24, 3:30, and 3:25 - averaging just under 3:25. So nothing super amazing in terms of pace, but not too bad for this session. Basically fractionally quicker than my 5km pace from last week - so held that for 8km today (broken down of course). I actually think that this is tougher than Tuesday's mile reps, as the rest is shorter and it's active. Nevertheless, great to get it done. A 5km cooldown for just over 19km all up.

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