Saturday 13 January 2018

Saturday - 15 minute threshold (+ 2 x 20 sec, 6 x 10 sec hill sprints)

Finally got enough courage to get out there and attempt a proper session this morning, my first since August. Not the best morning to begin a comeback, it was quite hot and extremely humid! The plan was to shoot for at least 15 minutes, but no more than 20 minutes at lactate threshold pace. I’d committed to memory how this should feel subjectively, and kept repeating the mantra ‘threshold’ everytime I felt that I was overstepping that redline (the goal is to run at the point just below my current lactate threshold, not at or over it). Jogged up to North Head and was on my way after a bit of procrastination. As I was approaching the mile mark, I saw three cyclists stopped in the middle of the road signalling for me to go to the right. I wasn’t going to, as I was right in the middle of the session - but as I got closer I saw their reasoning. There was a massive (and I mean ‘massive’) snake on the left side of the road! I absolutely hate snakes, so I was extremely thankful for pointing it out to me. Kept going, as you do, feeling as if I was nailing the desired perfectly. Things got a bit tougher going up the first hill back to the start, so I just backed off the Pace fractionally to maintain the correct intensity. Started to question if I was overstepping the intensity a bit at the 13 minute mark (the first time I looked at my watch, but not to check the pace), before deciding that I’ll call it a day at 15 minutes. The final two minutes are tougher than usual on this course as it is back uphill. In all honesty, it was only really the last 15 seconds or so that I felt that I had just crept over the intensity required, so I had no doubts (and still have no regrets) stopping at 15 minutes. Was extremely surprised to see that I had gotten 4.51km (3:20’s [or 3:19’s according to Strava]), much faster than anticipated! Really happy with that! Did an extended cool-down back home to make up the kilometers (17km all up), before heading down to Sydney Rd to finish off with some hill sprints. Today was just what I needed to get my confidence back, but at the same time I am glad that I had the courage to listen to my body and do just enough to provide an appropriate stimulus without killing myself at the same time. The plan is progressively build the duration at threshold pace, whether that is to 20 minutes straight next week or 20 minutes with a short 1-2 minute rest after 15 minute,s will depend on how I’m travelling this time next week. Off to a better than anticipated start though!

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