Sunday 7 January 2018

Sunday - a tale of two runs (25km)

The plan was to get up earlier and run along the beachfront up to Narrabeen given the forecast. I did the first part, but by Queenscliff (I ran to Shelly initially) I was struggling. Got to Curl Curl and had to make a decision fast - at this point, I could not see myself lasting a whole 30km. I was miserable as hell, so I just stopped. Walked home, felt terrible for pulling the pin. It’s five weeks since I’ve had an easier week, so I’m probably due for another this coming week. Got home with only 7.37km (30 minutes) done. The pace wasn’t actually too bad, I just really couldn’t have seen myself going for the whole run today. Feeling guilty as hell, I grabbed some water and decided to head out for two very easy laps along the beachfront (to get to 20km all up). Running down to Shelly Beach, I was feeling a million times better already! Turned around and bumped into the Manly guys, so I turned around and did my ‘long run’ with them. We ran up to North Head where we saw Dave Criniti doing an insane tempo run, with Scotty on pacing duties. Our pace was thankfully much much easier and relaxed. Although it was so bloody hot, that it felt slightly harder than it should have been. Ran back down to the lagoon before I finished with 25km all up at North Steyne. Was tempted to run the extra ten minutes to bring up the two hours, but that was honestly enough in this heat. Don’t even know what pace I ran at (much slower than usual) and to be honest, I don’t really care. What started as a horrible morning ended up being a great catch up with the guys and a nice long run on a bloody hot day. Time for a swim. Debating whether to take a complete rest day tomorrow or not? I might just see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow morning.

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